Our purpose is to help animals, especially
abandoned pets and endangered wildlife, first
through the Captain Nemo's Quest shows and
website.  Future objectives include:
To help endangered wildlife wherever possible,
To have a ranch for abandoned animals, and
To aid in disaster relief when we can.

Please HELP:
Letters from the receiving animal hospitals

We are currently working on this project:

This is a tax exempt organization created to
produce shows to educate people about
endangered wildlife.  We will be "visiting"
various states and countries of the world
to see what animals are endangered, what is
being done to help them and what you can do.
This is our primary objective.

Additional objectives include:
To help endangered wildlife wherever possible,
To have a ranch for abandoned animals, and
To aid in disaster relief when we can.

To find out about the shows,
click on the show logo above or visit

These shows are a free service for the states,
countries and groups working to protect
and save our wildlife.  The shows are
funded by Marquiss Studios & donations
to the Marquiss Foundation, a non-profit
organization registered in California.
Please HELP:

1) Your donation is tax deductable!*
2) You may also send a check made
out to the Marquiss Foundation
to the address HERE.
3) We do not and never will
share your info with anyone!**
4) All funds received will go directly
to animals we help, producing this
series, maintaining this site or forwarding
the money to groups helping abandoned
animals and endangered species.

* We'll normally e-mail you a receipt.  If you have questions,
contact us at captainnemosdonors@gmail.com.
** Except as required by law (ex: tax forms)

© 2018, 2022 by Robert Marquiss/Marquiss Studios.  All rights reserved.